Крем для ног при диабете, Киев

Цена: 7 380 грн.
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Компания Магазин “Корейский Женьшень“ доставка по Украине и России (Киев) является зарегистрированным поставщиком на сайте BizOrg.su. Вы можете приобрести товар Крем для ног при диабете с доставкой по одному региону Украины, расчеты производятся в грн. Если у вас возникли проблемы при заказе товара, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом нам через форму обратной связи.

Описание товара

Крем для ног при диабете - лосьон для диабетиков от боли и покалываний: ног, рук и ступней, уменьшает неприятные ощущения, защищает от инфекции.

Крем для ног при диабете​​ - Лосьон для Диабетиков: от боли и покалываний на ногах, руках и ступнях, 113 грамм

Лосьон Diabetaid:
  • Обеспечивает мгновенное облегчение от боли в ногах
  • Временно снимает незначительные боли в мышцах и суставах
  • Содержит пять увлажняющих компонентов, убирает сухость кожи
  • Снимает неприятные ощущения и покалывания в руках и ногах
  • Не содержит ингредиенты, считающиеся вредными для людей с диабетом
  • Идеально подходит, чтобы держать у себя дома, в офисе, или брать с собой в дорогу

Лосьон Diabetaid специально разработан для диабетиков, чтобы уменьшить боль, покалывания и неприятные ощущения в руках, ногах и ступнях. Если у вас диабет, то вы уже знаете, что боль в ногах, при ходьбе пешком, может означать больше, чем просто дискомфорт. Плохой приток крови, повреждения нервов на ногах и стопах, может привести к инфекции и язвам. Лосьон Diabetaid сводит к минимуму риск заражения.

Применяют этот лосьон для быстрого облегчения от раздражающей боли и покалываний, на пострадавших районах ног или рук.

Этот обезболивающий лосьон Diabetaid специально разработан с пятью увлажняющими компонентами, держит кожу увлажненной, поглощает боль и покалывания.

Держите этот лосьон, дома, в офисе, в своей спортивной сумке или багажнике машины,​ чтобы всегда он был под рукой.

Лосьон лучше всего работает при использовании по назначению, и он не подходит для маленьких детей.

  • Используйте по назначению - не предназначен в качестве замены полного медицинского лечения симптомов сахарного диабета
  • Не предназначен для маленьких детей

Крем для ног при диабете

Although the modern world has long been a diagnosis does not sound like a death sentence, elevated levels of sugar in the blood attached to the bitter taste of life, depriving him of many familiar pleasures. Living with such a diagnosis, you have to be constantly on the alert, watching for the slightest changes in health. Sometimes life itself is a diabetic depends on the time taken medication. Diabetes has been known by people in ancient times. Disease name originates from the Greek word "diabayno", which means "passing" or "elusive." This name fully describes the suffering of the patient with diabetes in that distant time - along with a continuously flowing liquid excreted in sweat and urine, like sand flowing through your fingers, melted and vitality, but the very existence of the person afflicted with this disease, it is extremely short-lived and very painful. Others felt that a diabetic struck some irrational thirst, burning him from the inside - no matter how much he struggled to satisfy it, to no avail. Here is how this state Aretius Roman physician who lived in the second century AD: "Diabetes - terrible suffering, dissolving the flesh and limbs into urine. Patients without ceasing, give off water continuous flow, as through open water pipes. Life is short, unpleasant and painful, insatiable thirst, fluid intake is excessive and not commensurate with the huge amount of urine due to further diabetes. Nothing can keep them from oral fluids and urine output. If a short while they refuse to accept liquid, they dry out the mouth, skin and mucous membranes become dry. Patients experience nausea, they are excited and in a short time are killed. " Since then, much has changed. We no longer seems that the sky is crystal dome painted with silver paint on it the stars, or that of the deadly diseases can be prevented, inhaling the scents of herbs were thought in the Middle Ages, but diabetes and is not completely defeated. We just learned to live with it, but not completely eliminate its cause. Bitter sweet Glucose, a type of sugar plays a huge role in supplying the energy of the whole organism. Proceeding with food in the gastrointestinal tract, it is directly absorbed into the bloodstream and spread through the circulatory system on virtually all tissues. But the way to further "mining" of glucose from the blood varies depending on the organ: our brain, for example, was lucky - he is able to self-extract glucose. But almost all the other tissues and organs (eg, liver, muscle, adipose tissue) to do it without help are not able. They need extra assistant - insulin promotes the assimilation of glucose and amino acids. Insulin receptors present on cells of the so-called insulin-dependent act as a kind of "locks", and insulin, in turn, can be likened to the key which opens the lock and allows glucose to enter the cell freely. Diabetes develops when this complex system begins to falter. It is divided into two major classes: Diabetes Type 1 occurs when, for whatever reason is the massive destruction of endocrine cells of the pancreas, so called. islets of Langerhans. Thus, impaired development of the required amount of insulin, and the body begins to feel its acute shortage. Conversely, diabetes type 2 is characterized by the fact that insulin is produced in sufficient or even more than necessary amount, but it is completely useless for those who need it desperately fabrics - they lose the ability to use it properly. It is the second type of diabetes develops most often in obese because fat tissue may interfere with the proper absorption of insulin cells. Hunger amid plenty The body is in a difficult position - on the one hand, the tissue in dire need of glucose, loses it, and begins their gradual degradation. On the other, struggling with the level of sugar in the blood, the body is constantly depletes the water, bringing the unused glucose mainly through the kidneys, which directly leads to dehydration. There are constantly tormenting diabetic thirst and hunger as the body is forced to withdraw the excess sugar by fluid loss, and then again and again in vain to try to satisfy the hunger of not receiving enough glucose in the internal organs. Already it is known that diabetes can be inherited. In addition, there are many factors leading to its development. By diabetes type 1 sometimes cause hormonal disturbances, damage to the pancreas after a viral infection, cancer or pancreatitis. This type of diabetes is more common in children and young adults (up to 40 years). At risk of defeat diabetes type 2 in the first place persons are obese - 80% of diabetics are overweight. Additional contribution to the general statistics also make smokers and alcohol abusers. From blindness to thrill In general, as the diabetes - a disease that is directly related to metabolism, is suffering from diabetic complications, most human organs. According to statistics, the same blindness in diabetics occurs 25 times more often than people without the condition. First of all, it is responsible for diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels affecting the retina of the eyeball, and observed in 90% of patients with diabetes mellitus. It often occurs, and diabetic nephropathy, one of the most serious complications of diabetes, leading to bilateral renal damage, and a decrease in their functional capacity, until the development of acute renal failure. In turn, diabetic neuropathy - this is the defeat of the nervous system, characterized by a complex of symptoms. There may be numbness and coldness of extremities, reduced pain and heat sensitivity in certain parts of the body, or vice versa hypersensitivity, when even a touch of linen can cause a sharp burning sensation or feeling as if his feet shackled, clamped in a vise. The first signs of the disease Intrigue diabetes is well known for a long time. In case of diabetes type 1 is always very sharply declares itself, the first symptoms occur in a very short period of time, the diabetes type 2 long runs relatively asymptomatic.

Характеристики крема для ног при диабете

  • — Производитель: Insight Pharmaceuticals
  • — Страна производитель: США
  • — Вес:: 113

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Крем для ног при диабете