Инновационная технология по очистке воды, Киев

Цена: 16 грн.
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Предложение добавлено 03.09.2013;
  • Код предложения - 4423023;
  • Предложение было просмотрено - 53;
Выбираете, где выгоднее заказать услугу или купить товар? “Инновационная технология по очистке воды”, 16 грн.. В данный момент предложение в наличии.

Описание товара

The innovative technology of water purification
was developed and tested using the experimental equipment by action group of
young specialists in Ukraine (Kyiv).

technology is the natural way of water purification that is the concept of

The freezing technology purifies water by natural way of ice forming. The
purification from characteristics of hydrogen system forms the ice from oxygen
and hydrogen molecules rejecting the other admixtures. The above-mentioned method
is the water division not the filtration. As a result the biological active
water from melted snow with natural salts and microelements balance purifying
from heavy water like fresh water of melted glaciers and icebergs is obtained.

The freezing technology solves the problems of
multistage and multicomponent water purification by means of the single natural
way of ice forming without using the chemical reagents and replacement
expensive diaphragms (the reversed osmosis).

Water from melted snow is pure
high-quality water that contains the minimal amount of heavy or deuterium water
without chlorides, salts, harmful substances and combinations and forms as a
result of ice melting and consequently should be freeze previously.

The unique characteristics of water
from melted snow are confirmed by researches and clinical tests.

Water from melted snow:

the metabolism and arterial pressure;

the blood sugar in II type diabetes mellitus patients;

the organism of toxins and chemical wastes;

the efficient healing and recovery of bone and muscular tissues after injuries;

the anti-inflammatory influence;

the influence of medical products;

the weight correction;

the cells from radiation;

the symptoms of post alcoholic abstinence.

As of today we are looking for a
strategic investor for mutually beneficial cooperation in adoption and
promotion of freezing technology of water purification and production of water
from melted snow all over the world.

In case of interest in innovative
technology we are ready to send you the detailed information about this technology
and business plan and to answer the additional questions.

Товары, похожие на Инновационная технология по очистке воды

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Инновационная технология по очистке воды