Wild rose by wholesale, Вознесенск
Описание товара
Is Wild rose - are wonderful medication. Foremost, due to maintenance in them of plenty of vitamin of S and ascorbic acid in an amount, at least are two tenth percents. Also, in their composition enter and such useful matters as sugar, vitamin of R and to To and different organic matters.
Usually, use the fresh or dried up berries of wild rose, last often apply for preparation of extracts, juices, decoctions, expecting and other great deal. The prepared tea from a wild rose has a great number of useful properties, foremost, he helps to take off inflammation, serves for tone and strengthening of organism, helps at sclerotic diseases, and also normalizes activity of the serdechnososudistoy system, liver and gastroenteric highway, processes of exchange, positively influences on the nervous system.
The best of all to use a wild rose, collected to the offensive of easy colds, because though and slightly, trifle freezings slightly berries, lose the medical force. Further, the collected berries dry out through a stove (a temperature is from nine hundred to one hundred degrees, but looking after, that did not burn slightly) or by a dryer. If all is done right, berries will become rather yellow or crimson, bardovogo color. To hold berries in the special sacs or jar, by the closed lid, year two - maximum. Also, it is possible to apply the flowers of wild rose, collecting them when flower, and drying out as any other flowers. Then, to insist. This composition is improved by the state of skin.
Useful properties of wild rose are an undeniable fact. It is known that berries contain him plenty of ascorbic acid (or vitamin of S), by an amount from four to six percents, and sometimes - and about eighteen percents, except for it, there is a vitamin of E in his seed, and in berries except for With enter and such vitamins as In, to To, R (also urgent conservative), carotin etc.
Plus, plenty of useful matters: to eighteen percents of sugar, to one whole and eight tenth percents of apple acid and to two percents of lemon, more than three percents of pectins and more than four percents of tannic matters, and also many other is iron, calcium, salts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, essential oil, likopin etc. On maintenance ascorbic acid a wild rose is LED a blackberry even, thus tenfold, and also lemon - in fifty times.
In addition, berries of wild rose are an excellent microbicide. Most maintenance of vitamin of S (ascorbic acid) is on east and north parts of forest sector, as well as maintenance in them of tannic matters.
A wild rose serves also for the removal of inflammation, is a good diuretic, improves the function of gastroenteric highway. Thus, a plus is that at all of it does not appear negative influence on fabric of buds. The vitamin of S contained in him positively influences on most redoxreactions of organism. Another his plus is ability of braking of deposits in the blood vessels of ateromatoznykh the masses, and also the amount of cholesterol diminishes in blood and distribution of disease of atherosclerosis is halted.
The carotin contained in a wild rose positively tells on immunity of organism, vitamin to To improves the coagulability of blood and helps in forming of protrombina, the vitamin of R becomes stronger capillaries, and also helps in the best mastering of vitamin of S, the vitamins of V2 and V1 affect circulatory system, help in the synthesis of rhodopsin and act part in forming of yellow enzyme.
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