ПИД-контроллер с Fuzzy-logic и самонастройкой, для панельной установки, размеры 48 x 48 мм CF2S, Одесса

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 04.09.2013;
  • Уникальный код - 5261353;
  • Количество просмотров - 98;
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Описание товара

ПИД-контроллер с Fuzzy-logic и самонастройкой, для панельной установки, размеры 48 x 48 мм CF2S

Temperature Controller for Panel Mounting, Dimensions 48 x 48 mm

PID Controller with Fuzzy-Logic

Model CF2S

Plant and industrial furnace construction
Process engineering
Plastics technology and processing
Ventilation and air conditioning technology
General industrial applications

Special Features
Control characteristic adjustable
(PID-Fuzzy, PID, PD, ON/OFF)
Integrated auto-tuning function
Control output optionally relay, logic level
or 4 … 20 mA
Multi-function input for Pt100 and thermocouples
Optionally with 2nd alarm output or serial interface

Model CF2S is a compact digital temperature controller for displaying, controlling and monitoring temperatures.

The controller has a multi-function input, i. e. the input configuration is adjustable. Thereby the flexibility of the controller is significantly increased, stock-keeping is simplified. An alarm output for process value monitoring is also available as standard.

The control parameters can be set over wide ranges.
An auto-tuning function can be activated, which makes it easier to find the ideal control parameters.
The controllers are designed for panel mounting. The control output is alternatively equipped with a relay (for slow controls), with a logic level to drive a solid state relay (for fast controls and high current loads) or with an analogue current signal 4 … 20 mA.

Optionally available are a 2nd alarm output for process value and control loop monitoring or a serial interface RS 485.

Товары, похожие на ПИД-контроллер с Fuzzy-logic и самонастройкой, для панельной установки, размеры 48 x 48 мм CF2S

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Часы работы:
ПИД-контроллер с Fuzzy-logic и самонастройкой, для панельной установки, размеры 48 x 48 мм CF2S