Усилитель вкуса Пятый вкус Umami seasoning Aji-no-moto 1.362 кг (№ умами), Одесса

Цена: 878.36 ₽
за 1 шт.

Описание товара

Усилитель вкуса Умами Umami seasoning Aji-no-moto

Знаменитый пятый вкус.

Безопасен и надежен более 100 лет.

упаковка-пакеты вес нетто 1.362 кг

Цена указана за один пакет

Продукт США, по лицензии от Ajimoto Co., Inc. Tokyo, Japan


AJI-NO-MOTO®is the highest quality of -UMAMI -seasoning in the world, and a few dashes to your dishes will delight your taste buds.
AJI-NO-MOTO®can be used from preparation to finishing, offering the most versatile and simple solution to making a dish delicious.
AJI-NO-MOTO®gives dishes -UMAMI -and richness . At the same time it bestows deliciousness to all ingredients and harmonizes entire dishAJI-NO-MOTO® -does not have a specific flavor, so it can be used for all cuisines.
AJI-NO-MOTO®is made from corn in Iowa through a fermentation process similar to that of making cheese and yogurt.
AJI-NO-MOTO®has a heritage of over 100 years.
It has been shown -AJI-NO-MOTO®is the best flavor enhancer.


How to Use AJI-NO-MOTO®
AJI-NO-MOTO® delivers -umami -to cooking and brings out the ingredients' flavor.

The Quality Labeling Standards for Processed Foods categorizes AJI-NO-MOTO® as an -umami -seasoning that increases the -umami -of cooking. AJI-NO-MOTO® delivers -umami -to dishes while bringing out the flavors of other ingredients and harmonizing the overall taste of the dish. It is characteristic due to its white crystal form that is both odorless and heat resistant. It can be utilized with a wide range of ingredients and cooking methods to boost the flavor of all kinds of dishes, east or west.
*The Quality Labeling Standards for Processed Foods is a criterion established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan.

AJI-NO-MOTO® can be widely used in any kind of cooking.

Характеристики усилителя вкуса Пятый вкус Umami seasoning Aji-no-moto 1.362 кг (№ умами)

  • — Бренд: Ajinomoto

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Усилитель вкуса Пятый вкус Umami seasoning Aji-no-moto 1.362 кг (№ умами)