Cooperation in natural beta-carotene manufacturing, Харьков

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за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 23.02.2017;
  • Код предложения - 15984575;
  • Количество просмотров - 61;
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Описание товара

The group "Ecobioton"LLCandSIA "Bestran" ( Riga, Latvia) invites companies and entrepreneurs to collaborate in the organization of contract manufacturing of the biomass of microscopic fungus Blakeslea trispora - the raw material for the extraction of natural beta-carotene color for food industry.

The planned location of the production - the European Union (Germany , Latvia and Spain). Annual demand in the European market only for food beta carotene is 88 tons (data for 2008) , annual growth of 1-3% is stable. Since 2010, the growth of the market in the segment of natural beta-carotene according to some reports is as high as 10 % - due to the displacement of synthetic azo dyes, products which, according to EU Directive 1333/2008 (Annex V), should be marked: "May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children". Planned production capacity at the first stage - up to 8 tons per year, on the second (after expansion) - up to 16 tonnes per year per crystalline beta-carotene (9 and 18 % of the market respectively). Expected profit - 2-3 and 4-6 million per year, respectively, for the first and the second stage.

We ask to pay particular attention:

- Processing plants that are able to carry out beta-carotene extraction from plant material;

- Enterprises that produce food and beverages containing yellow-orange colors;

- Businessmen interested in investing effectively.

Характеристики Cooperation in natural beta-carotene manufacturing

  • — Страна производитель: Латвия

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Cooperation in natural beta-carotene manufacturing