Transportation services in Europe.Transport of goods to Europe. Cargo transportation in Asia.Delivery of goods by road., Северодонецк

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Описание товара

company OOO Latest is in the market of transport services since
1996.During this time
we have learned to provide a complete and qualitative range of
transportation and freight forwarding services. The main type of
activity for the company is carriage of goods by road for Ukraine,
CIS countries and the European Union. During the years of our work
lots of transportation companies became our partners, thereby
carriages of goods are provided both by own large vehicle fleet
including lorries of different cargo-carrying capacity from minibuses
such as Mercedes-Benz Sprinter to standard eurotrucks 86 m3
in volume and megatrucks 120m3,
and outside fleet responding the requirements of carriages for
Ukraine, CIS countries and the European Union. It allows to reduce
transportation time and minimize the cost of transportation services
that makes our customers happy.

international transportations our company strongly supports
the smooth passage of cargo across borders, providing minimum terms
of customs clearing and other formalities, unreasonably frustrating
terms of delivery and hindering delivery schedule. At the wish of the
customer Latest's employees can assist with all necessary
paperwork(T.I.R. - Carnet, CMR) in accordance with customs
legislation of the countries and international transportation rules.

responsibility and risks are reliably insured by CMR-insurance in
leading insurance companies.

value our reputation! Customer's satisfaction is the
main goal of our company. The usage of modern means of control
(monitoring, obligatory mobile connection and others), reliability of
the staff and qualitative transportations form the core of the
"LATEST". Our clients trust us the most complex transportations
and never worry about the safety of contents.

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Transportation services in Europe.Transport of goods to Europe. Cargo transportation in Asia.Delivery of goods by road.