Компания "Велес" расширяет географию продаж минерала Сапонит и выходит на Европейский рынок

14 ноябрь | 00 : 00

Компания«Велес» расширяет географию продаж минерала Сапонит и выходит на Европейский рынок. Подписаны контракты и произведена поставка первых партий минерала сапонит в Польшу. Saponite (from the Latin sapo, Genitive saponis — soap) is a soapstone, a mineral from subclass of layered silicates, group of montmorillonites; the chemical composition is NaMg3[AlSi3O10] (OH)2.4H2O. As isomorphic admixture it contains Fe, sometimes Cr, as well as Ni, Zn, Cu, Li and other components. It crystallizes in monoclinic system. Saponite is a unique mineral belonging to bentonite type with high content of magnesium(up to 12%) and it represents a new type of mineral raw materials which can be used in different branches of industry. The first worldwide known ultimate deposit of saponite was discovered in Ukraine (Khmelnitskiy region) with industrial reserves in the area totaling over 34 million tons. There is no information about how big saponite deposits in other countries of the world. Saponite is a natural sorbent with high adsorptive ion-exchange, catalytic and filtration characteristics. The range of application of saponite is as follows: - Manufacture of complex mineral supplement to feed-stuff; - To improve efficiency of fattering cattle, pigs, fowl and other animals; - Crop yield boost of corn, winter wheat, sugar beet; - Detoxification of grounds polluted in result of technogeneous disasters or radiation; - Removal of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from milk, milk products and other liquid food stuff ; - Production of light porous fillers, etc. However, the range of saponite application is not limited by the examples above but according to recommendations of scientific and manufacturing companies saponite is also used as high efficiency agent as: - Complex action ameliorator for sabulous and turf-podzolic soils; - Natural soil deoxidizer; - Natural preservative for feeding-stuff; - Agent for increasing storage time of roots; - Natural preservative for wet corn grains, wheat, barley, etc; - Natural mineral extra nutrition for cattle and fowl; - Medicinal substance; - Raw material for pelletizing iron ore concentrates; - Agent which absorbs radionuclides in animals, plants etc. Saponites(saponite clays) are unique natural fossil minerals (manganese montmorrilonites) with high content of MgO in which Al3+ is almost completely replaced by Mg2+ and Si4+ partially by Al3+. The Physical and Chemical Properties of Saponite Clay: № Property/chemical element Unit Rate 1 2 3 4 1 Average density Kgs/m3 1876-2160 2 Porosity % 23.13-36.82 3 Water absorption % 11.79-25.01 4 Humidity % 23.33 5 Plasticity - 28.4 6 Bulking % 5.6 7 Total humidity of air-dry sample % 10-12 8 Refractory property °C 1280-1300 9 Chemical composition: % SiO2 41.92-54.56 TiO2 0.98-2.42 Al2O3 11.93-15.45 Fe2O3 9.36-16.22 MnO 0.10-0.37 MgO 7.02-13.43 CaO 0.78-10.62 Na2O 0.03-4.89 K2O 0.19-3.50 P2O5 0.083-0.26 H2O+ 10.4-10.95 H2O– 4.8-5.66 10 Volume weight t/m3 2.0 11 Class of rock acc to GSN D 2.2-1-99 on complexity of mining V

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