Rough labradorite blocks, Trade Mark VOLGA BLUE MK, Житомир

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Предложение добавлено 27.07.2017;
  • Уникальный код - 19262815;
  • Количество просмотров - 60;
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Описание товара

Volga Blue can be used in all kinds and forms, both inside and out, although it is specially suitable for interiors where its chromatic qualities can be best exploited in flooring or in facing large surfaces. This kind of use is suggested, too, by the homogeneity of its pattern and color which cannot but enhance the pure aesthetic value of this stone. Bright, flickering and intensive colors of Volga Blue make the stone of Kamenniy Brod deposit one of the most beautiful stones in the world. Unique iridescence - flickering of dark blue, green and violet tones, combined with abundance of spots (on a square meter of the material it is possible to see hundreds “eyes” of Labradorit), show the real exceptionality of the material.

The chemical composition of Volga Blue labradorite of Kamenniy Brod deposit contains no iron, therefore the products made from our stone preserve their original appearance for many years.

Good physicomechanical properties of Volga Blue labradorite make this stone one of the best stones among the most exclusive materials in the world stone market.

Характеристики rough labradorite blocks, Trade Mark VOLGA BLUE МК

  • — Бренд: Volga Blue MK
  • — Страна производитель: Украина

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Rough labradorite blocks, Trade Mark VOLGA BLUE MK