Лот «Натуральное янтарное ожерелье, СССР , Калининград, 60гр. Am ber, 琥珀 , كهرمان», Умань
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- Дата добавления 25.02.2017;
- Уникальный код - 16127123;
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Описание товара
Натуральное янтарное ожерелье, СССР - прибалтика Калининград, 60гр.
Natural Antique Baltic Amber necklace, USSR , Kaliningrad, 60 gr.=2. oun.90 cent.=35 in.
Old 100% Natural Baltic Amber Beads
Weight 60, grams. 35 inch.
Top quality 100% Natural Baltic Amber
Dear friends! I sell 100% natural amber items. If you want to check that after you received item, to know exacly 100% confirmed, then you can check it easily. Take a needle, hold it on fire until it gets red colored. Than push item with it. If it is natural amber you hear a smell of a pine-tree resin.
All our amber rise to the surface of the salt water.
Amber - fossilized resin, mineral class of organic compounds. Used for the manufacture of jewelry, medications, there are many poetic names - "tears of the sea",
"gift of the sun" Experts distinguish about two hundred and eighty varieties of amber, from the "sea" to "earth", which is located on the Amber Coast.
Transparent ("clean") and matte nuggets are sorted in order to identify so-called "bastards" that combine both of these properties.
About watery transparent say that they are "the color of ice," whitish-opaque stones called "bone" - in general,
shades of amber, no less than the colors in the spectrum. The reason for this color variety usually are various inclusions,
such as pyrite or algae that give amber greenish tint. If frozen nugget inside a plurality of air bubbles, it becomes frothy white color.
Some minerals can even provide special amber silver tide. In ancient Rus called amber ilektr or ilektron (from ancient Greek. Ἤλεκτρον, «amber").
In Azbukovnik ilektr described as "stone exceedingly honest, is one of the Drago tacos call the stones, and srebroviden zlatoviden together."
Maybe flammability amber or ilektra gave rise to the appearance of the mythical "white stone Alatyr flammable."
Opinion about the identity of the latter for the first time with amber expressed NI Nadezhdin "Bulletin of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society" in the ancient language,
the word "amber" (in the form of "entar") came at the beginning of the XVI century (mentioned in chronicles in 1562)
of the "old -Russian therefore Slavic symbol - Gentator, here goes Lithuania - Gintaras and Russian - amber
"it is also believed that the Russian word borrowed from Lithuania, as Lithuanian tribes tended to live in the Amber Coast and Russian - very rare.
In the ancient world a little decoration of amber often worth more than the young slave in the slave market,
for delivery of amber in Rome on Amber Road was fraught with difficulty. People endowed fossil resins, whose age is millions of years old, miraculous properties.
Drugs and jewelry from fossilized resin are recommended for different diseases. The Roman scholar Pliny the Elder (23-79 years BC)
was convinced that amber amulets protect against prostate diseases and mental disorders. Church reformer Martin Luther believed that amber protects from kidney stones,
and always carried it in his pocket. One of the medical recommendations in 1680 reads: "Rinse, made from amber, helps to blockages in the head."
It was believed that if you mix rastёrty amber with honey and rose oil, to obtain an effective remedy for eye diseases. In those days,
when the glass has not been able to do quite clear, amber were made of polished glasses and a magnifying glass.
«Boernstein», «burning stone" - so in ancient German called amber in the XIII century. It was believed that amber smoke set on fire not only relieves pain in the heart and helps with rheumatism,
but also can serve as a substitute for incense. Not by chance the Brandenburg-Prussian kings in the XVII century was given a monopoly right to collect the precious gift of nature.
Residents of the coast it was strictly forbidden - under penalty of prison or the death penalty. In the thirties of the XX century [citation needed 164 days]
biochemists succeeded in isolating succinic acid (dibasic limit carboxylic acid) - a substance that stimulates the process of oxygen to the cells and has a tonic and restorative properties.
Nowadays, succinic acid is produced by industry, in particular its obtained as a byproduct in the production of adipic acid,
it is used in the food industry, in plant, poultry and livestock in the food industry is used as a food additive,
Amber ancient times used to make all kinds of jewelry and household items. Amber did not only wearable jewelry, but practical items such as cigarette cases, ashtrays, boxes, chests and even hours.
A special place in the art of making the famous Amber Room. After the Second World War, trade secrets of creating large amber products mostly been lost.
The revival of these traditions in the Baltic countries went their separate ways. Similarly, in Russia formed a variety of artistic direction.
They can be divided into two "schools" - St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. Last appeared as a result of years of independent practical work with amber,
which is valued above all the natural beauty of the sun stone.
Характеристики лота «Натуральное янтарное ожерелье, СССР , Калининград, 60гр. Am ber, 琥珀 , كهرمان»
- — Бренд: Kaliningrad. USSR.
- — Страна производитель: Россия
- — Длина: 35 (in. ")
- — Вес: 60 (gr.=2. oun. г)
- — Материал: Янтарь натуральный, Amber, 琥珀 , كهرمان»
- — Ручная работа: Нет
- — Цвет: Медовый
- — Размеры: 35 (in. ")
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