VAG ECU Tuning Tool, Лозовая
Описание товара
VAG ECU Tuning Tool
The tool for the complete access to all EEpromdaten with VAG-engine control units of type EDC15 and ME7.
- Read and write access to the EEprom.
- Reading the secret odometer (if stored in the engine control unit)
- Immo-off function, login display, VIN change – everything about the diagnosis socket – not removing the ECU.
- With the write function is motor control «cloning» – no need to teach.
- Indispensable for workshops, recovery or Chiptuning.
Functions of the program:
- Serial EEprom read and save
- EEprom checksum checking and correction
- IMMO on / off
- EEprom from a file and write (clone function)
- Read / write access to the login
- Read / write access to the chassis number
- Read / write access to the Immobilizernummer
- Kilometers Motronic in the read and write (if available)
In the ME7 . controllers can also perform the following functions:**
- Offset channels
- Mixture enrichment
- Idling torque change
- Lambda value
- Idle speed change
- Correct charge (only for Turbo engines)
- Ignition timing change
Supports the following types of motor control of BOSCH:
- EDC15
- EDC15P
- EDC15P + BOSCH ME7.5
- BOSCH ME7.5.1
- BOSCH ME7.1.1
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Дата создания модели - 02/09/2013, дата последнего изменения - 22/11/2013. За это время товар был просмотрен 204 раза.