Registration of aircraft in Malta, Донецк

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Registration of aircraft in Malta

With the enactment of the Aircraft Registration Act in 2010, Malta has strengthened its position and formalised its continued commitment towards being a successful base for aviation operations. The Act and Malta's accession to the Cape Town Convention are meant to go a long way into rendering Malta a more attractive jurisdiction for the registration of aircraft. Such is complemented by Malta's geographic location, its EU and Eurozone membership and its highly competitive licensing fees. All these elements, combined with a set of highly attractive fiscal incentives applicable to aircraft engine and aircraft operators as well as foreign investors, render the Malta flag a very viable and advantageous option under which to establish aviation ventures.
Registration of aircraft under the Malta flag provides:
An accessible Aircraft Register which draws a clear distinction between commercial and private use of aircraft with the aim of attracting international airlines and other companies in this industry, as well as private aircraft;
Broad and innovative possibilities of registering aircraft which include the option to register aircraft which are still under construction provided such aircraft are uniquely identifiable;
Acknowledgement and regulation of trusts and fractional ownership by Maltese law;
Effective security of lenders' and financiers' interests;
Malta's ratification of the Cape Town Convention which by itself brings considerable benefits and provides a solid basis for future progress, commitment and investment to be made within the aviation industry;
Tax incentives in relation to aircraft leasing, depreciation of aircraft and in the form of an exemption from fringe benefits;
Value added tax exemptions for lessors and operators of aircraft;
A full imputation tax system granting the option to shareholders to claim, upon distribution of a dividend, a refund of 6/7ths of the income tax paid by the company;
An extensive network of double taxation treaties and other legislation to provide relief from double taxation.
Registration and Eligibility
To ensure accessibility to the aircraft register to as many owners and operators as possible, Maltese law endeavours to limit nationality and form requirements while ensuring that the register is not accessible to anyone and everyone.
To this effect, persons who are qualified to register aircraft include:
Citizens of member states of the EU, of an EEA State or Switzerland. Such individuals must have a place of residence or business in the aforementioned locations;
A company or other undertaking formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Malta, a member state of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland.

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  • предложение размещено с 05.09.2013, срок последнего изменения – 13.10.2013. Следите за изменениями на сайте, чтобы не пропустить нужную информацию;
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Registration of aircraft in Malta